Friday, January 25, 2008

Other talents

Often, if someone is talented at one thing, he or she is talented at a number of things. Leonardo da Vinci could do everything. Julie Taymor is a director and an artist and a costume designer and a librettist. Jonathan Kellerman is a psychiatrist and a best-selling author. Chip Kidd is a ground-breaking designer and a novelist and a musician. Debbie Millman is a designer, a design spokesperson, and a rather brilliant writer, not to mention someone who conducts a great interview and marshals a team of researchers and collaborators. Moi, I feel I'm still practicing to become more than just a good designer.

I do have other interests, abilities, fantasies. One of those other interests is dance, and one of the greatest pleasures in life comes from being a part of Frankie Manning's Wednesday Night Swing Class. We international and mostly middle-aged dancers have become an extended family, with friendships and support systems, and collaborations, and celebrations all weaving us togther.

So, my point.

Last night, I stopped in briefly at Barnes & Noble, where co-authors Frankie Manning and Cynthia R. Millman were chatting about the biography of Frankie Manning. I was privileged to design the book jacket and book interior--and provide the photo of Frankie that appears on the book's final page (per my design!). Cynthia kindly acknowledged my contribution, especially the design of the jacket (which, in truth, designed itself because the photo was so great). And

Frankie gave me the biggest gift of all, the give of inclusion in another life--his life of dance. Frankie said something like, "She doesn't just design books. She's a dancer. She's one of the Wednesday Night Hoppers." Frankie's comment made my day, my week, my life.

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